Sunday, February 26, 2012

EFRA 2 wheel Drive Electric off road championships

Here is an update on EFRA 2 wheel Drive Electric off road championships from Pau south of France and more European championship action from Germany with the 1/10th Nitro Event

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mechatar battling robots

These Mechatars are a range of remote control battle robots, with interchangeable USB weapons. The neat part is, they're also the subject of a free online game, in which the homeworlds of the eponymous droids are being attacked by a deadly alien enemy – so they've sent toy versions of themselves to Earth to learn how to fight.

Mechatar owners can download special missions from the game, and then enact these in real-life with their R/C bots – these can be battles with other Mechatars or little treasure hunts which test your R/C skills. Once the tasks are completed, the data is sent back to the game from your robot toy via a USB connection with your PC; the owner's onscreen character is then powered up accordingly. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Swarm of Nano Quadrotors

This video looks surreal a swarm of flying robots performing coordinated formation in mid air showing remarkable agility and the ability to perform in unison. Experiments performed with a team of nano quadrotors at the General Robotics, Automation, Sensing, and Perception (GRASP) Lab, University of Pennsylvania. Vehicles developed by KMel Robotics.